Digits & Expanded Form

LI : Show an understanding of digits in whole numbers.  LI : Write a number in expanded form.  LI : Affirm nested place value knowledge.


This week in maths we have been adding to our number knowledge.  We’ve been revising our understanding of digits in whole numbers, and practiced showing numbers in their expanded form.  Expanded form is when you add all the numbers in their Values We also affirmed what we learnt last week about Nested Place Value.

Nested Place Value

LI : Show an understanding of digits in whole numbers.  LI : Write a number in expanded form.  LI : Affirm nested place value knowledge.


This week in maths we have been adding to our number knowledge.  We’ve been revising our understanding of digits in whole numbers, and practiced showing numbers in their expanded form.  Expanded form is to plus all the number from their values. We also affirmed what we learnt last week about Nested Place Value.

Place Value Blocks

LI : Show an understanding of how numbers can be shown with place value blocks.  LI : Understand that a hundreds block is made up of ten tens blocks or a hundred ones blocks.


This week in maths we have been working on our place value.  We practiced representing numbers using base ten blocks with Miss Tele’a, then completed our nested place value slides task.  I think I did well at Place Vaule I enjoyed the Blocks I need to improve on Adding

The girl who was suck to the phone but not now

Tittle: The girl who was suck to the phone but not now


Who: The girl and her family 

Where: the girl was with her cousin. 

When: It was on Saturday evening. 

When did it happen: at 1pm. 

How: They went in a Bus and their other family went in a Car.

Event 1: At Least they got there before the other family and they started to unpack their stuff and built a tent to sleep there. They start to go for a swim without the rest of the family. After the rest of the family came and started to do BBQ. After she left she went to eat BBQ and then she was angry and sad. She went to cry in her tent next to her mom’s house and then drank juice when she felt good.

Event 2: Before they got there The girl named Emma went to the sand to make a big mountain but when she came back it was destroyed by a 10 yr old boy. Emma went to spy on her when he left Emma tip toe to destroy the sand castle and then she saw him coming and then went to hide. That was so funny Emma said but then he saw Emma and started to chase her but she was hiding in her tent under her blanket.

Event 3: Then, Emma was happy that her cousin came at 3 pm because she had to get her mom from work and then pick her sister too. Then there was traffic. But Emma bumped into a lady and she fell down to the ground. Emma’s mom was scared and she woke up in her tent and went to the lady. “They said are you hurt” said the lady, she said” I’m fine i’m sorry that I bumped into you”.


At the end of the talk she was addicted to her phone then her mom said” Get off your phone it’s been 1 hr and your phone is going to die” Finally her friend texted her that she was swimming with her family. At home she charged her phone then went to sleep. The end.