The ancient package from space

Title The ancient package from space

Set the scene – time, characters, location, situation, introduce the problem : the box.

Once upon a time there was an ancient package at the door and then there was a knock on the door. 1 student decided to open the door and there was a note on the package that said This is an ancient package from space, there were 10 students including me in it and there were no teachers in the classroom.The 9 students’ names was Sarah,Bob,Chole,Jack,Sophia,Bailey,Olivia,Noah,Flora and me. The problem was the package was light and we had no clue what was inside of the box. There was at least 1 student who was brave enough to go get the box outside. 1 student tried to reach the box but she was scared of the box.
Paragraph 1

(Needs at least 3 sentences)

Write about what the characters think or suspect it might be.

Bailey untied the rope because she won untied the rope first. Then we saw another note that said “ You opened this at 3:00pm”. 5 students thought It was a telescope. 4 students thought it was a magical bowl. I thought it was an anzac soldie’s toy because it’s almost anzac.
Paragraph 2

(Needs at least 3 sentences)

Write about the suspense of opening the box.

I opened the box because it was 3:00 pm and there was an entire picnic. There were Maccas, cupcakes,Wendys,Ice cream from Burger King, Hot chips and paper plates and wooden spoons and forks and a telescope.
Paragraph 3

(Needs at least 3 sentences)

Write about what happens after the box has been opened!

We were surprised that it was a nice picnic. That box was the nicest package ever in the world. The cream was scrumptious on the cupcake. We wish we were at the beach eating the picnic. I saw Noah sweating because he came back from football practice. Bailey said “This is the best year ever”. Noah said “Guys I made it into the team”. I had an idea that it would be the best day ever.
Paragraph 4

(Needs at least 3 sentences)

Write about how LS1 uses what was IN the box, for their learning in Term 2.

We thought that we would learn about the Matariki because we have a telescope. Their head was confused and then I said the sun is a star not a planet and the sun can heat and burn anything. But there was a problem that we lost the glass of the telescope. I said “ Oh no”. The End

ANZAC day Kupu

Read the words below and find the dictionary meaning for each word. Then add a picture to visually show what the word means.
Word Dictionary meaning Meaning in my own words Picture
ANZAC ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps Australian and New Zealand Army Corps is what ANZAC stands for.
Dawn service The Dawn Service is a time to reflect in those quiet, peaceful moments before dawn. The Dawn Service is waking up before the sun rise and thank you the soldier that they fight for New Zealand
Gallipoli  Gallipoli is a beautiful city Gallipoli is a European part of Turkey.
Remembrance  Remembering and showing respect for someone who has died Remembering the past event or the person who has passed away.
World War 1 The Allies and the Central Powers Is when a  Fighting took place throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia
Pride Having a feeling of being good and worthy. be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.
Fallen A soldier killed in battle. A soldier that got killed while the battle
Lest We Forget It should not be forgotten The Anzac day should not be forgotten about nz sacrifice.
Memorial  Memorials are things created to honour and remember the dead Memorial remembers the people who passed away.
Battlefield the piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought. a place where a battle is fought or was once fought
Trench A long, narrow ditch. A deep and narrow hole, or ditch, in the ground.
Parade A public procession, especially one celebrating a special day or event. Anzac is a parade because it celebrates the soldier that fought in NZ
Wreaths For laying on a grave. People who have died like the soldier at war.
Soldiers a person who serves in an army. A soldier is a member of the military
Medals Win a medal in a sporting event. A piece of metal often in the form of a coin with design

On 25th April 2024, some New Zealanders went to Gallipoli and the Australian fight New Zealand with each other. More than 1,800 survived the fight.April 25th marks the first major military action fought by the Australian and New Zealand forces during World War 1, at Gallipoli. Anzac Day is a day to remember all Australians and New Zealanders who gave their lives in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping missions around the world. It is also a time to remember and thank all those who have served and continue to serve in the Australian and New Zealand armies. More than 8,000 Australian soldiers had died in the campaign. Gallipoli had a profound impact on Australians at home, and 25 April soon became the day on which Australians remembered the sacrifice of those who died in the war.



We walked up Mt.Wellington on Monday 17th March 2024. Then we wrote a recount about what we did in Mt.Wellington my recount is on top. My friends are in 3 pictures. Then we see a class going to Mt.Wellington.


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