TIES about the Howick Historical Village


  • Hook us in!
Going to Howick Historical Village

  • Who was there? Where were you? When was it? 
  • Why did it happen? 
  • How did you get there?
I went with LS2 and LS1. We were in the  Howick Historical Village. It was on Thursday 16th May 2024. It happened because it was a field trip. I got there by a Bus.
Event 1

Paragraph 1

Begin with a time connective word

  • Show what happened in time order
First, We got off the bus and Mrs Hallam was telling us about the Howick Historical Village. Then We got split into 3 groups and then group one with a tour around the village. Group 2 went to make a trolley. Group 3: Made butter with Mrs Hallam. I was in Group 2. We got split into 6 groups. I had Jacob,Iki,Marwan,Unique,Tisorn and me. 
Event 2

Paragraph 2

Begin with a time connective word

Next, We swap places. Group 1: was going to do the trolley, Group 2: was going to make butter, Group 3: was going for a tour around the village. It was our turn to make butter. Mrs. Hallam got a jar. Then she put cream in the jar and closed it with a paddle and then we mixed it. We had to sing a song like this. Churn butter churn (name) waiting at the gate waiting for some butter cake, churn butter churn.
Event 3

Paragraph 3

Begin with a time connective word

Then, We swapped again. Group 1: Went to make butter, Group 2: we went on a tour around the village, Group 3: Went to do the trolley. My favorite house was the school because it looked so old. The scary house was the kids and the parents house number 3 and 4. Then at the end we took a big photo and then we went to school.

  • How does your recount end?
  • “I” statement
I felt excited when we went to Howick Historical Village because I wanted to learn how to make butter. I felt scared when we went to the Kids room because upstairs it looked so dark. I felt happy when we built the trolley because it was fun making the trolley. 

Confidence Journal

Date : Monday 6 May 2024
Things I am good at : New things I will have a go at : 
  • Finishing off work
  •  Maths
  •  Listening to people
  •  Looking after my siblings
  •  Cleaning my room
  •  Riding my bike
  •  Cleaning the kitchen
  • Eating
  • Drawing
  • Tracing animals
  • Typing
  • Study
  • Smiling more
  • Loving myself
  • Doing more Art
  • Making cards

This my Confidence Journal for this Term. We made a Animation about one thing at this Term. I will show my Blog my Animation in my next blog. My animation is Smiling more. 

CARE Vaules (Drama)

This week we have been reviewing what the 4 CARE Values look like in the different areas of our school.  Our task was to create and rehearse a skit in our groups that shows what the value looks like in action, and in that location.  My group’s value was Respect, and our location was Toilets and corridors.