Rugby League is a fast-paced, physically demanding team sport that originated in England in 1895 following a split from Rugby Union over issues of player compensation. Played by two teams of thirteen players on a rectangular field, the objective is to score points by carrying or kicking an oval-shaped ball into the opposing team’s in-goal area, achieving a try, or by kicking the ball between the goalposts for additional points through conversions, penalty goals, or drop goals. Known for its distinct rules, such as the six-tackle rule which limits the number of tackles a team can have before the ball is turned over, Rugby League emphasizes speed, agility, and strategic play. The sport has a strong following in countries like Australia, England, and New Zealand, and features prominent competitions such as the National Rugby League (NRL) and the Super League. Rugby League’s blend of athleticism, strategy, and continuous action makes it a thrilling spectator sport and a challenging athletic pursuit.

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