Algorithm addition, also known as the addition algorithm, is a systematic method for performing arithmetic addition, typically taught in elementary mathematics. It involves aligning numbers by their least significant digits (rightmost side) and adding corresponding digits column by column from right to left. If the sum of a column exceeds 9, the algorithm carries over the extra value to the next column on the left. This carry is added to the sum of the next column, ensuring accurate results even when dealing with large numbers. For instance, in adding 478 and 365, one starts by adding 8 and 5 to get 13, placing 3 in the units place and carrying over 1. Then, 7 and 6 are added to get 13, plus the carried-over 1 makes 14, placing 4 in the tens place and carrying over 1 again. Finally, 4 and 3 are added to get 7, plus the carried-over 1 gives 8, yielding a total of 843. This method ensures a consistent, reliable process for addition regardless of the number’s size.

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