A dark forest

LI : Understand and order the sub-elements of the plot.

LI : Use descriptive language to bring a setting to life.


This my Setting about A dark forest. This is my writing, I see the light come out of the forest. I hear the branches breaking and birds chirping. I smell the fresh air coming from the light. I feel the grass and the rocks on the surface. We used Craiyon make the right side picture.


A staircase to heaven

LI : Understand and order the sub-elements of the plot.

LI : Use descriptive language to bring a setting to life.



This my Setting about A staircase to heaven. This is my writing, I see a staircase with flowers at the sides, It leading to the light. I hear the ocean crashing into each other and the seagulls making noise. I smell the flower and the salting water.I feel the staircase going up the staircase. We used Craiyon make the right side picture.


How to make peanut butter and jam sandwich

LI: Different parts of procedural

How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich


  • Bread
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jam


  • Knife
  • Plate


  1. Take two slices of bread and place them on a plate.
  2. Using a knife, spread peanut butter on one slice of bread.
  3. Using the same knife (or a clean one, if you prefer), spread jam on the other slice of bread.
  4. Put the two slices of bread together, with the peanut butter and jam sides facing each other.
  5. Press down lightly on the sandwich to make sure the peanut butter and jam are evenly distributed.
  6. Cut the sandwich in half or quarters, if desired.
  7. Enjoy your delicious peanut butter and jam sandwich!

Note: Make sure to clean any utensils and surfaces that come in contact with peanut butter or jam to avoid cross-contamination.


This is my work how to make Peanut butter and Jam sandwich. It teaches people how to make a peanut butter and jam sandwich. This is the easy food you can make in the kitchen. Do you like Peanut butter and Jam sandwich comment below. This is all about making peanut butter and jam sandwich. I hope you like Peanut butter and jam. Bye 🙂


Complex sentences

LI: What is a complex sentence.

This is my  DLO what is a complex sentence. There are example’s of a complex sentence and it got split into 3 groups. Independent clause, Dependent clause and Subordinating conjunction. I put what is a Independent clause,  Dependent clause and Subordinating conjunction Slides all about what is that thing. I put a lot of effort in this DLO,  I hope you like this. BYE 🙂

TIES about the Howick Historical Village


  • Hook us in!
Going to Howick Historical Village

  • Who was there? Where were you? When was it? 
  • Why did it happen? 
  • How did you get there?
I went with LS2 and LS1. We were in the  Howick Historical Village. It was on Thursday 16th May 2024. It happened because it was a field trip. I got there by a Bus.
Event 1

Paragraph 1

Begin with a time connective word

  • Show what happened in time order
First, We got off the bus and Mrs Hallam was telling us about the Howick Historical Village. Then We got split into 3 groups and then group one with a tour around the village. Group 2 went to make a trolley. Group 3: Made butter with Mrs Hallam. I was in Group 2. We got split into 6 groups. I had Jacob,Iki,Marwan,Unique,Tisorn and me. 
Event 2

Paragraph 2

Begin with a time connective word

Next, We swap places. Group 1: was going to do the trolley, Group 2: was going to make butter, Group 3: was going for a tour around the village. It was our turn to make butter. Mrs. Hallam got a jar. Then she put cream in the jar and closed it with a paddle and then we mixed it. We had to sing a song like this. Churn butter churn (name) waiting at the gate waiting for some butter cake, churn butter churn.
Event 3

Paragraph 3

Begin with a time connective word

Then, We swapped again. Group 1: Went to make butter, Group 2: we went on a tour around the village, Group 3: Went to do the trolley. My favorite house was the school because it looked so old. The scary house was the kids and the parents house number 3 and 4. Then at the end we took a big photo and then we went to school.

  • How does your recount end?
  • “I” statement
I felt excited when we went to Howick Historical Village because I wanted to learn how to make butter. I felt scared when we went to the Kids room because upstairs it looked so dark. I felt happy when we built the trolley because it was fun making the trolley.