Matariki Animation


Matariki is a special time in New Zealand when we celebrate the Māori New Year. It happens when a group of stars called Matariki appears in the sky. During this time, people come together to have fun, eat yummy food, and spend time with family. They look at the stars, share stories, and think about what they hope for in the future. Matariki is a happy time that makes everyone feel close and joyful.


My Aspirations

Aspirations are like your big dreams and wishes for the future. They are what you really want to do or become when you grow up, like being a doctor, a dancer, or an astronaut. These dreams make you happy and excited, and they help you work hard and learn new things so you can reach them one day. Aspirations are important because they give you something to look forward to and help you imagine all the amazing things you can do when you grow up. I wanted to be an astronaut because I want to see all of the stars.