Matariki Animation


Matariki is a special time in New Zealand when we celebrate the Māori New Year. It happens when a group of stars called Matariki appears in the sky. During this time, people come together to have fun, eat yummy food, and spend time with family. They look at the stars, share stories, and think about what they hope for in the future. Matariki is a happy time that makes everyone feel close and joyful.


My Aspirations

Aspirations are like your big dreams and wishes for the future. They are what you really want to do or become when you grow up, like being a doctor, a dancer, or an astronaut. These dreams make you happy and excited, and they help you work hard and learn new things so you can reach them one day. Aspirations are important because they give you something to look forward to and help you imagine all the amazing things you can do when you grow up. I wanted to be an astronaut because I want to see all of the stars.


Converting Scale Measurements

LI: Draw plans or blueprints of spaces, making sure all the measurements are right

A scale in math is a special tool that helps us compare the size of different things. Think about when you have a toy car and a real car. The toy car is a tiny version of the big car. A scale tells us how many times smaller the toy car is compared to the real car. For example, if the scale is 1:10, it means the toy car is ten times smaller than the real car. We can use scales for many things, like maps, drawings, or models. If you see a map of your town, it’s much smaller than the real town, and the scale tells you how much smaller it is. Scales help us understand big things by making them smaller or understand small things by making them bigger.


LS1’s School Design

LI: Draw plans or blueprints of spaces, making sure all the measurements are right

A scale in math is a special tool that helps us compare the size of different things. Imagine you have a drawing of a house and the real house. The drawing is much smaller than the real house. A scale tells us how many times smaller the drawing is compared to the real house. For example, if the scale is 1:100, it means the drawing is one hundred times smaller than the real house. We use scales for many things, like maps, drawings, or models. If you see a map of your town, it’s much smaller than the real town, and the scale tells you how much smaller it is. Scales help us understand big things by making them smaller or understand small things by making them bigger.


Matariki Star Pixel Art

Matariki is a special time in New Zealand that marks the Māori New Year. It happens when a group of stars called Matariki appears in the sky in late May or early June. People use this time to remember loved ones, celebrate with family and friends, and think about what they want to do in the future. They enjoy yummy food, sing, dance, and tell stories. Now, Matariki is also a public holiday, so everyone in New Zealand can celebrate together!

The last game of Rugby League


Rugby League is a fast-paced, physically demanding team sport that originated in England in 1895 following a split from Rugby Union over issues of player compensation. Played by two teams of thirteen players on a rectangular field, the objective is to score points by carrying or kicking an oval-shaped ball into the opposing team’s in-goal area, achieving a try, or by kicking the ball between the goalposts for additional points through conversions, penalty goals, or drop goals. Known for its distinct rules, such as the six-tackle rule which limits the number of tackles a team can have before the ball is turned over, Rugby League emphasizes speed, agility, and strategic play. The sport has a strong following in countries like Australia, England, and New Zealand, and features prominent competitions such as the National Rugby League (NRL) and the Super League. Rugby League’s blend of athleticism, strategy, and continuous action makes it a thrilling spectator sport and a challenging athletic pursuit.

Water Cycle DLO

The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, is the continuous process by which water moves through the Earth’s atmosphere, surface, and underground. It begins with the evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, and rivers, where it transforms into water vapor and rises into the atmosphere. This vapor cools and condenses to form clouds, eventually leading to precipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. The precipitation replenishes water bodies and infiltrates the ground, becoming groundwater that feeds into springs, rivers, and eventually returning to oceans. This cycle is crucial for sustaining life on Earth, regulating weather patterns, and maintaining the balance of ecosystems by ensuring the distribution and availability of fresh water.


Algorithm Addition Poster

Algorithm addition, also known as the addition algorithm, is a systematic method for performing arithmetic addition, typically taught in elementary mathematics. It involves aligning numbers by their least significant digits (rightmost side) and adding corresponding digits column by column from right to left. If the sum of a column exceeds 9, the algorithm carries over the extra value to the next column on the left. This carry is added to the sum of the next column, ensuring accurate results even when dealing with large numbers. For instance, in adding 478 and 365, one starts by adding 8 and 5 to get 13, placing 3 in the units place and carrying over 1. Then, 7 and 6 are added to get 13, plus the carried-over 1 makes 14, placing 4 in the tens place and carrying over 1 again. Finally, 4 and 3 are added to get 7, plus the carried-over 1 gives 8, yielding a total of 843. This method ensures a consistent, reliable process for addition regardless of the number’s size.

A Mechanical Character

A mechanical Character is a In engineering and materials science, “mechanical character” often refers to the mechanical properties of materials. These properties describe how a material responds to mechanical forces and include attributes like strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, and elasticity. Engineers and scientists use these properties to determine how materials will perform under different conditions and loads.


LI : Show an understanding of the addition algorithm strategy.

LI: Show understanding of fractions and their representations.

A fraction is a mathematical expression representing a part of a whole. It consists of two numbers separated by a horizontal or slanted line. The number above the line is called the numerator, and the number below the line is called the denominator. The numerator represents how many parts are being considered, while the denominator represents the total number of equal parts that make up the whole. Fractions are commonly used to represent portions of quantities, division, and ratios. Examples of fractions include \( \frac{1}{2} \) (one-half), \( \frac{3}{4} \) (three-fourths), and \( \frac{5}{8} \) (five-eighths). That is a fraction